Architectural Photographer Michael J. Lee


This week we sat down with the very talented architectural photographer Michael J. Lee.  I (Linda) am very lucky to call Michael my own photographer as well! Michael's unique talent and eye stems from his background as a professional interior designer working for two of New England's finest design firms coupled with a slightly geeky love of technology. Michael shared with us his views on photography, the place architectural photographers sit in the spectrum of design and he shares some great tips that all of us can benefit from! 

Below are some of the photographs we discuss in the podcast, so you can follow along. TIP: If you open up the post in second window,  you can listen to the podcast and then click on the images below for a larger view.


Linda Merrill/Chameleon Interiors

Manuel de Santaren, Inc.

Anita Clark Interiors

Matthew Donovan Interior Decoration


  Linda's kitchen bar set up

And a few more amazing photos:


Ana Donohue


 Charles Spada

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