Post by: Tina, Marketing Intern at
In 2007, my family and I vacationed in Montego Bay at an all-inclusive resort for 7 days. Needless to say, Montego Bay was gorgeous, breathtaking, and the epitome of Rest & Relaxation. The ocean water was pristine and blue and was mere steps from the resort! I couldn't believe it- I was living the life. Imagine seeing this view outside your hotel room all day and everyday. From tanning, eating, jet skiing, kayaking, fishing and then eating again...I was pretty sure I never wanted to leave this paradise.
During our week in Montego Bay, we also took a day out to tour a local pottery factory and actually got to see the artists in action. On top of that we also went to Ochos Rios, a nearby city, to climb the Dunns River Falls!
You're probably thinking the same thing I was: climbing a waterfall?! Yeah right. Don't worry though. It was far from steep and scary but still a little thrilling nonetheless! Just hold onto the person in front of you and make sure to buy some water shoes beforehand. ( You can usually find them in sporting good stores or Target). The Dunns River Falls was probably my favorite part of Montego Bay. If you ever do plan on vacationing here make sure you don't miss out on this!
All in all, Jamaica was beautiful. I'm sure that whichever city you choose would be equally as amazing!
Other must-do's: Try Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Red Stripe Beer.

So if you were just thinking about traveling to Jamaica, hopefully this gave you that extra little push to maybe even book a trip!
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Happy Travels!