Suggestions for an American Honeymoon

Whether you want to take a camping trip with the family or a romantic get away, vacationing is hard to plan for in the current economy. But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it. Studies show that a quick get away keeps the mind alive and rejuvenates the mind, body, and spirit. Researchers suggest getting away from the desk and going for a walk outside, or even out of the office doors to get some coffee if you’re really busy. When in control and not over done, breaks actually improve productivity. What does this mean for you? It means, yes, you SHOULD be planning a trip. Since you’re reading this newsletter and on this blog, you or someone you know is getting married and planning a honeymoon. These traditional first vacations as married couples are perfect for getting away from the stress on the job. This means, don’t go just any where, but go somewhere outrageous, go somewhere fun, go somewhere where you can connect and live in each other, completely disconnected from the world you left behind.

If you are thinking about staying state bound, we suggest doing some research. However here are just a few ideas we came up with:
National parks: National parks are beautiful, and they range from roughing it to a swanky hotel near by. Choose to go up in the mountains, by the sea, even in the plains or desert. Wherever you choose will be full of beautiful sites that you miss in the city. See what America has to offer. People come from all over the world to see our great nation, it’s about time our own citizens see what’s all the rage.

Try a visit to San Diego if you want to stretch your dollar. There are beaches, mountains, deserts, parks, art exibits, museums, the list of free to cheap things to do seems to be never ending. Mexico is only a few miles south, take a day trip to taste and experience a new Culture! If you want to find out just how thrifty you can be visit our SD site and choose all activities $20 or less and watch how much you can pack into your vacation!

Historic Landmarks: Now I understand that not everyone is a history buff, but how amazing would it be to learn about our great nation together. You can laugh at the funny outfits, try some delicious 200 year old recipes, see monuments. Everything you do on this trip will not only bring you closer, but when you return to your mundane busy lives and you see something from your trip, that little spark will ignite and you will get that warm and fuzzy honeymoon feeling. (Trust us, you will have more things pop up in your life that remind you of an American honeymoon, more than any other place you travel.) Plus, it might be a bit easier to revisit Virginia, Hawaii, or Washington DC each year than the Pocono’s, or Egypt.

Alaska or Hawaii: Yes these two states are quit different, but how often do you travel state to state? Now how often do you get off the main land to travel to these two states? You will be guaranteed beautiful scenery, active wild life, and America like you’ve never seen before. You will still get your airplane ride, maybe even a bloody mary in first class, and you will still get the feeling of being somewhere exotic. However, you will be supporting the American dollar, and the American economy. These states have exciting histories and plenty of things for you and your partner to enjoy (or if you prefer to enjoy your view from your honeymoon suit all week, I'm sure that would be just as exciting!)

Now that you have a few suggestions, get planning! Call for your personal local travel agent, or visit our honeymoons and travel sites to do a little research of your own!
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